June 2005
Hurray for Harry!
Good intentions are one thing. You go for a night out, intending to watch your drinking and then drive home. One drink leads to another, however, and you’re faced with the dilemma of what to do with your car. Or, at least, you used to be. A new Munich service, “Harry holt den Wagen,” hopes to put an end to such situations. Simply give Harry a call, and he’ll come speeding along on a mini moped or bicycle, fold it up and put it in your trunk, then drive you—and your car—home. The personal chauffeur is also available during the day, perhaps to take your car for its service or to pick you up from hospital appointments. And, though it may sound expensive, Harry claims to be cheaper than the average taxi, charging € 2.70 for the initial call-out, and € 1.25 per kilometer. For more information see
www.harryholtdenwagen.de or call Tel. (018050) 42779.