May 2007
Stock Car Grand Prix
Though largely a mystery outside of NASCAR country, stock car racing is a sport with decades of history and mass appeal in pockets of the US, UK, and Europe. The sport’s origins go back to the Prohibition-Era US, when bootleggers trying to outrun police began to customize their cars. Even today, the term “stock car” refers to such customized factory vehicles (as opposed to cars built for racing). NASCAR—the American stock car racing circuit—has been a juggernaut for years, but the first races didn’t take place in Germany until the early 1970s. On May 5, Olympia Stadium will host the first-ever European stock car championship race, “The Stock Car Grand Prix.” Although the speeds might not be what Formula 1 fans are used to, stock car rules allow racers to attack each other on the course. Fireworks and smashups are all but guaranteed. Tickets to the day’s races cost between € 19 and 45.
A family ticket is also available, which covers two adults and two children under 12 for € 58.
Call 08553/42 74 00 to reserve.