Munich in English - selected by independent Locals for Cosmopolitans, Newcomers and Residents - since 1989

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April 2008

Rhythm King

“Imagine there is no more picture of the hero! Don’t panic!” commands a song on Rhythm King’s latest album. During the band’s concerts, this song is illustrated by a video projection showing female and queer heroes. Such visuals are a crucial part of performances by Rhythm King. In correspondence with the band’s music, they are intended to create a new composition, which often provokes the audience to consider the cultural construction of gender roles. In a collage of photographs, videos and texts at the Lenbachhaus satellite Kubus, Rhythm King will present their network of female artists, musicians and gender activists, who they often quote on stage, through June 9. The exhibition site at Klopstockstrasse 10 will remain closed during the exhibition, but the collages will be visible from outside the building. <<<

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