Munich in English - selected by independent Locals for Cosmopolitans, Newcomers and Residents - since 1989

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May 2008

Queer Maypole

On May 1 the Glockenbach district will celebrate the “Fest der Begegnung” (Encounter Festival) at Karl-Heinrich Square. As part of the festivities, organizers will erect an unusual Maypole fusing Bavarian tradition with the diversity of lifestyles in the district. While the pole itself will be painted with the customary blue and white Bavarian diamonds, the plates of the pole will show modern motifs. Artist Michael Borio will design two pop-art plates showing two men and two women kissing each other. Two additional plates by Robert C. Rore will feature two women wearing Dirndls and holding a Bavarian flag next to two men in Lederhosen with a rainbow flag. While the chosen images obviously aim at a queer interpretation, the pole will have the vague title “Integration May Pole,” perhaps because the Glockenbach district was not yet ready to approve of a “Gay May Pole.” <<<

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