Munich TV cable pressed the mute botton on NBC's Jay and Conan
It seems like just yesterday we were keeping tabs on the guy with the big chin and the skinny, redheaded funnyman. Munich’s last English-language television connection with Hollywood was severed last month, when NBC’s nighttime programming was dropped from local cable. Officials at the Landesmedienanstalt Bayern blame the change on the addition of Bayern 3’s new cultural station Alpha to the limited cable frequencies. Something had to go. Now, NBC and VH-1 share a spot on cable: from 8:00–20:00 viewers can enjoy stock news, German QVC and the five-hour Internet surf party Giga, and from 20:00-8:00 VH-1 Germany takes over the airwaves. For those who find Harald Schmidt and Alfred Biolek no suitable replacement for Jay and Conan, it would seem that the purchase of a satellite dish — through which NBC Europe’s lineup is shown in its entirety — is called for. If you wish to air your displeasure at the change, NBC can be contacted Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14:00–18:00 at (0211) 930 06 65. Or write to NBC, Kaistrasse 3, 40221 Düsseldorf. <<< lv