July 2001
Made for You and Me
It was just a matter of time before someone was to come up with the idea of creating a Web site just for expatriates. Though there are many great sites—we like to think ours is one of them—that provide excellent information to the expat community, most of them zero in on one particular city. The fast-loading Web pages of www.expatica.com include sections on Germany, France, the Netherlands and Belgium—Spain and the U.K. will be added soon. With its features—some are most humorous—on food (learn what grisly ingredients are used in making a Dutch Frikadel), travel and shopping, expatica reads more like a print magazine than a Web site. Write and read letters to the editor, share ideas with others in the site’s discussion forums and learn the language of the country in which you live by memorizing the “Word of the Day.” Find out what to do if you are asked for an interview by CNN. Ponder the meaning of furniture-on-wheels and other topics in hilarious “from the editor” essays. National and international news, event calendars, lists of groups and clubs, information on housing and relocation, employment and other classifieds—www.expatica.com is truly a cyber bible for expats living in Europe. <<< LV