July 2001
On the Ropes
Have you ever wished you could fly through the air on a rope like Tarzan? Did you enjoy watching Indiana Jones balancing on a rope bridge, secretly “daydreaming yourself” into the role of the action hero? If so, the recently opened Hochseilpark (high rope park) in Lam in the Bavarian Forest is the place for you to hang out. Built to satisfy the most modern security standards, numerous variations of rope and beam constructions give rope sport fanatics the chance to test both their physical and psychological strength. Over 30 stations, some up to 12 meters in height, offer climbing, rappeling and balancing opportunities for all levels of ability. Much like an Outward Bound experience, participants are responsible for the safety and emotional well-being of others, though trained staff is always present. Hochseilpark organizers see the program as a way of helping participants to overcome fears and raise their self-esteem. Die Erlebnis-Akademie is located on Müllerstr. 7 in Kötzting. Visit www.Die-Erlebnis-Akademie.de or call (09941) 77 01 052 for information on the park as well as details on group or corporate programs. <<< KA