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November 2001

Meal Deal

With the smell of pumpkin pie now in the air, thoughts turn to Thanksgiving feasts. Whether you want to be wined and dined or whip up a spread of your own, here are some helpful tips. To find a plump Truthahn (turkey) in the Munich area, visit Hohenrainer, a turkey product chain with stores in the OEZ and the Viktualienmarkt. At this poultry haven, you can order whole turkeys (ein ganzes) and juicy rolled breasts (Bruste) as well as a number of other savory options. Your local butcher can order a bird for you as well, but be sure to ask at least two weeks ahead of time. For side dishes, your best bet is to visit the G&A Grocery (also known as Schmankerlnische) store, located on Baaderstraße 65 (U1/U2 Frauenhoferstraße, (089) 201 70 31). This “Mom & Pop” international food shop carries such typical seasonal ingredients as canned puréed pumpkin, brown sugar, cranberry sauce, Bisquick and stuffing. Though, at the time of this writing, the store’s owner was unable to confirm that he would receive shipment of other specialty items—owing to shipping delays in the U.S.—he assures customers that he will offer “many other holiday foods.” Items run out fast, however, so plan your menu in advance. For those who want a holiday from cooking, the Marriott Hotel (Berlinerstraße 93, U6 Nordfriedhof, Tel. (089) 360 02-809) and Edison & Co. (Schulstraße 28, U1 Rotkreuzplatz, (089) 13 03 93 93) will offer traditional Thanksgiving spreads from November 22 to November 25.

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