November 2001
Sound System
The next time you’re taking a stroll and think you hear voices coming from under your feet, be consoled that you have not gone completely mad. “Aus dem Bauch” (“From the Belly”) is an audio art project emanating from Munich’s sewer system, courtesy of local artists Johannes Brunner and Raimund Ritz and sponsored by the city. At seven selected locations, passers-by will hear music, voices, songs or sound effects from acoustic collages that allude to the historical, symbolic or functional background of each site. At the Theresienwiese, for example, recordings from the 1930 Oktoberfest are played. On the Max-Joseph-Platz, fragments of opera and interviews with numerous composers are aired. “Aus dem Bauch” is a permanent installation at Max-Joseph-Platz, Theresienwiese, Hauptbahnhof, Königsplatz, Rotkreuzplatz, Gasteig and Olympiastadion.