Munich in English - selected by independent Locals for Cosmopolitans, Newcomers and Residents - since 1989

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February 2002

In the Haus

Black History Month

Through films, lectures, music and a slide presentation, the African American community will be examined during the Amerika Haus’s Black History Month. On four dates in February, such themes as the civil rights movement of the 1960s, African Americans in the U.S. military and life in the southern United States will be explored.

Feb. 14 (Thursday)–Film and lecture: Black Power in America: Myth or Reality? How has the civil rights movement of the 1960s changed the Black community and the rest of American society? An award-winning film by William Greaves, featuring in-depth interviews of a cross-section of influential black leaders—Franklin Thomas, Clifton Wharton, Jr., Eleanor Holmes Norton and Lerone Bennett, Jr.— will answer the question. Considered the leading black documentary filmmaker in the United States today, Greaves is a director, producer, writer and former actor, who has earned over 70 international film festival awards as well as an “Indy,” the special Life Achievement Award from the Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers. Following the film, Smalley Mike Cook, Fulbright Professor at the Freie Universität Berlin, will discuss the modern civil rights movement.

Feb. 20 (Wednesday)–Film and lecture: Imprisonment and Freedom. Dr. Klaus Ensslen of the Amerika Institut LMU Munich will explore this topic. The film The Hurricane — the story of Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, a boxer wrongly imprisoned for murder, and the people who helped in the fight to prove his innocence—will be shown.

Feb. 26 (Tuesday)–Slide presentation on New Orleans, with musical accompaniment: Rolf Schubert, blues, jazz and zydeco musician, chats about these music genres and the story of everyday life of blacks in New Orleans.

Feb. 27 (Wednesday)–Lecture: Marching Forward: The U.S. Military’s Role in the Integration of American Society. Prof. Harvard Sitkoff of the University of New Hampshire and Major General Arnold Fields of the United States Marine Corps, will examine the role of the African American in World War II and how the military has advanced the civil rights of minorities.

All events begin at 6 pm and will be held at the Amerika Haus, Karolinenplatz 3, (089) 55 02 70 41,

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