July 2002
Take it or Leaf it
Come rain or shine, there should be no summer holiday without a really good read. In case you are still casting around for children’s books to take on vacation, visit the Internationale Jugendbibliothek. Until August 30, the library for children and teenagers will be holding an exhibition of 100 Canadian children’s books. Peruse at your leisure a panorama of paperbacks, hardbacks and picture books that includes both fiction and non-fiction and that covers all age groups, from toddlers to teenagers. For anyone who wants to take a little more time to look through the English and French titles, there is a catalogue in English, which costs
€ 3 and contains a list of useful addresses. After August 30, the exhibition will be available on loan to schools and youth organizations, free of charge. The Internationale
Jugendbibliothek, at Schloss Blutenburg, is open
Monday to Friday, 10 am to 4 pm. Call (089) 89 12 110 for more information.