February 2004
Bathing Beauties
Sorry fellas, but the chances of picking up women at the poolside are diminishing faster than the ozone layer. In the tradition of women’s fitness centers, where women would rather focus on their own figures without men doing it for them, the Stadtwerke München introduced the first swimming day for women only in Neuperlach last year.
The event was so popular that the pool was deemed too small and
it was decided that the same should be offered every two weeks, starting on the second Saturday of the month. This month the women-only swimming day will be held at the Giesing/Harlaching swimming pool at Klausenerstr. 22 on February 14 and 28 from 1 pm to 6 pm. Admission for adults is € 2.90 for swimming only and € 9.20 for swimming and using the sauna; girls aged six and up pay € 2.30; and children under six get in free. For more information call the Stadtwerke München hotline at (0180) 179 62 23.