Munich in English - selected by independent Locals for Cosmopolitans, Newcomers and Residents - since 1989

Multiple Choice

April 19–September 2:
Jena-born artist Georg Herold is a master of irony and cheap materials.

Herold 276x

Roof battens, nylon stockings, tea strainers, buttons and nails are the preferred elements, with which Herold composes his internationally acclaimed pieces. To him, such material is "dumb", it does not "raise any questions" beyond the artist's own intentions. In his early beginnings, his use of caviar in his work was deemed a provocation. However, art lovers have become used to Herold's propensity for fish eggs and rather enjoy the bold approach of the artist, who reflects upon recent art history and his colleagues with tongue-in-cheek allusions. The past few years, though, Herold has surprisingly turned to a more earnest subject matter. He has started to construct wooden figures that contemplate on the thrownness of human existence. The solo exhibition "Multiple Choice" will be on display at the Brandhorst Museum. For more information, visit


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