Munich in English - selected by independent Locals for Cosmopolitans, Newcomers and Residents - since 1989

I is Someone Else

Through May 27:
The Franz Marc Museum in Kochl am See has assembled a great selection of 20th-century art dealing with the question of identity.

Klee 276x

Already in 1871, French poet Arthur Rimbaud claimed that “I is someone else”. In a nutshell he described a sense of alienation of the self, which came to full effect in the beginning of the 20th century with the rapid changes sparked by industrialization and psychoanalysis. This new uncertainty of individual identity, of course, was also reflected by many artists of the time. Especially the genre of portrait art underwent a massive redefinition as artists attempted to inscribe the notion of the fractured I into the faces of the individuals they portrayed. Drawing from an impressive stock, the Franz Marc Museum exhibits paintings and sculptures by Picasso, Paul Klee, Ernst Ludwig Kichner and many others as part of this exhibition on identity. For more information, visit

Kochl am See is about a one-hour train ride away from Munich. For more information, visit


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